Friday, February 5, 2010

Life at the Old Cracker Barrel

So my husband thinks I need a job…and QUICK! The reasons are many and piling up by the minute, but the latest reason he states is because of my new endeavor of Cheese making. Yes, you read that correctly. I am going to attempt to try my hand at making some homemade cheeses. Of course in my typical fashion I am not content to just make the mozzarella and ricotta that are touted as “easy to make in your own kitchen, using your standard utensils”…nope…not me. I am going to aim high and try to score the big cheese….the whole cheddar! Yup, the good stuff, cheddar cheese. I have requested my cheese books from my local library and taken myself down to my local Homebrew store who also happens to stock cheese making materials and I now sit in patience awaiting my turn at learning to make one of my favorite foods! Since I’ve always been the rat of which society has to experiment on I figure the craving for good cheese must go hand in hand! I look forward to getting into the glorious soft cheese’s that I so love, from stinky cheeses to the wonderful brie’s that used to grace my table when I lived overseas. I’m almost too excited to contain myself, so in the meantime I am trying to keep myself busy with creating the various garden plans that I need to get together for this up coming spring! I can just feel that it’s right around the corner…I don’t care what that little beast groundhog says!

If anyone has any suggestions for my new cheese making hobby please feel free to write to me and give my any advice, suggestions or recipes that you care to share. I look forward to carving my own niche in the cheese world just as soon as I can get some experience under my belt.

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